Disrespectiods Wiki

Louis "Leaky Louie" is a cool sprinkler dude that loves to quench everyone else's thirst by spraying CapriSun juice into their mouths.

How He Became a Disrespectoid[]

He was hanging out with his little sister in the basement just chilling and drinking some CapriSun Pouches and he saw his little sister poke a hole in the right direction. He wanted to show his sister something "cool" saying, "Hey, watch this!". He flips the pouch around and starts stabbing the bottom of the pouch until he punctures it and he poofs with smoke. He transforms looking the same. He shrugs and starts sipping the straw and then the juice starts ejecting out of his pores. His dog barks with excitement drinking the juice, and his sister puts her finger on one of the holes on his shoulder.

Leaky Louie



Louie is pale with big black hair. He wears a black shirt inside of a red and white letterman's jacket, blue jeans, and black and white sneakers.


Leaky Louie Commercial


  • In one version of his commercial, Chuck the Clucker makes a cameo.
  • He is 13 years old.
  • He has a younger sister.